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Greenwash: Dirty claims on clean coal

"The Scottish government is talking up the world's dirtiest fossil fuel as clean in its push to revive its coal industry"


Plans for UK satellite launcher

"Two British companies are involved in discussions about developing a low-cost rocket capable of putting small satellites in orbit."

Category: Space


Robotics: Computer chips may 'repair' nerve

"Researchers have moved closer to making silicon chips which could one day be used to repair damaged tissue in the human body."


Telescope sees smallest exoplanet

"The smallest planet yet found outside the Solar System has been detected by a French space telescope. The rocky world is less than twice the size of Earth. "

Category: Space


Dry Amazon, dry world?

Does Amazon smoke signal a drying planet?

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 1476 to 1480 out of 2977